Friday, March 13, 2015

Oregon Silverspot - Keeping Life Beautiful

Oregon Silverspot Butterfly

By: Paige Johnson

Listed threatened October 15, 1980

The Oregon Silverspot Butterfly is found along the coast of Oregon, and some parts of California. It has golden brown wings with black spots and lines. They have silver colored spots on the underside of their wings. They rely on early blue violet flower as a source of food. This confines them to a small range to where the flower grows. Their habitats are found along the coast near salt-spray meadows. 

Geographic/Population Changes
The silverspot was historically found along West coast all the way from Washington to California. Due to different forms of habitat destruction, the populations are confined to the coast of Oregon as of the 1900s. The Oregon Silverspot likes habitats where there is mild temperatures, high rainfall, and persistent fog. There were originally 17 sites found along the coast, but today there are only 5.

Why are they important?

  • indicators of quality of life
  • they have an intrinsic value, and are worthy of conservation
  • represented as beauty, freedom, and peace
  • scientists use them for research on pest control, evolution, genetics, population diversity, and many more 

Cause of Listing/Main Threats to Existence

  • Habitat loss and degradation
    • development of  coastal headlands, fire suppression, grazing, and invasion of nonnative plants
  • Originally 17 sites, only 5 now 
  • Population crash in 1998, now listed as threatened 
  • Main threats to existence: development and agriculture, livestock grazing and erosion 
  • Climate and weather patterns due to pollution is also another factor 

Description of Recovery Plan - 2001

Recovery plan link :
  • Goal to maintain species' current status 
  • Increase population through augmentation and reintroduction 
  • Actions needed to be taken: protect/manage habitat, monitor populations, reduce take
  • Augmentation of 2 populations per year
  • Restore habitat  by growing 4,000 violet seedlings per year 

Sources :

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